Have you ever needed to send a password or other sensitive information to a colleague, friend, or client - and ended up pasting it into a chat message or email? It happens far too often! That’s exactly why I created CredShare.app; to have a dead simple alternative that is safer than the common pra...
Are you tired of manually deploying new versions of your website or docker image after completing a new feature or fixing a bug?
Wouldn't it be great if your code could automatically build and publish a semantically versioned docker image and deploy itself to your server? This is where GitHub Act...
While it's easy to make a local assist pipeline, and get away from Google Assistant or Alexa, it's not really that easy to go all local and still have decent performance. I'll show you how you can go completely local on all stages - and still have blazing fast performance.
Before you start config...
This article will explain how to set up Traefik as a web proxy for Home Assistant. You will also get instructions on how to set up a secure connection over HTTPS; with free SSL-certificates from Letsencrypt, and finally, a way to solve dynamic IP provisioning from your ISP.
For th...
Do you enjoy having to go to that one computer to look at your family photos? Or have you trusted all your photos to some cloud provider? I'd say no to both questions. I love being able to watch my family photos from anywhere. But I dont' love quite as much giving them all away to Google, Microsoft...
The other day I got Ouroboros talking to my private Docker registry. The thing is, my Docker registry was only available locally. If I wanted to build my stack on a different computer, I'd be stuck! So I wanted to expose my private Docker registry on the big Internet, but at the same time restrictin...